Thursday, December 5, 2013

Hi Everyone
I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. It been a while since my last blog and so much has happen. I  wanted to show you a video I did on some photoshop and a couple of tips. I try to give some helpful tips for you to use. Have a great holiday season and Merry Christmas to all.Photoshop Tips

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Hi everyone, well, I was going to talk about a poem I wrote back in the early 2000 but I have moved  five times in the last eight years and the poem is pack away in the dark pit of my storage unit. So I thought to try my hand at writing something new but I only have a few days to write a phenomenal piece.
I will instead give a shout out to some of my favorite writers of today. They range form sci-fi to suspense. I love a good story that is well written and light on the bad language. So here a list of some of my favorites Frank Peretti, John Grisham, Dean Koontz, Dee Henderson, Lee Childs, James Patterson, Ted Dekker, Karen Blackstone, Steven James, and Stephen King.  This is just a sample of the authors I read. I also read a lot of classics authors too, such as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Edgar Allen Poe. I feel that when a person reads for entertainment, you can also gain knowledge.  When a historical figure or event happens in a novel it helps me to remember that fact for a class. I pass early American History by reading all the bicentennial novels by John Jakes.
I also appreciate  some of the people in my multi media class, they have move me to tears and laughs in their blogs, videos and podcasts. I enjoy to see those around me use their creative side in their work that they have done so far.
There is someone I  know that touch me in her blogs, my friend Margaret Montreuil, she write inspirational and motivational pieces. She know how to touch the heart of a person and inspires them to reach out and grow in your faith. She also written christian books and devotionals, I actually had the pleasure of helping her  when she wrote a sequel to one book titled God in Sandals. The second book is His Kingdom Come, I was able to read her first drafts and help make suggestions for parts of the book. Seeing a writer in action made me appreciate the books I read for all the work that a author goes thru from the rewrites, or editing the work, to finally get it publish.
I hope you enjoy this blog and for those who also love to read I hope the next book you read entertains you and maybe even teach you something new.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

My Introduction

Hello! I like to introduce myself to everyone. My name is Shirl (it is not short for Shirley) and I am a creative soul. I love art, music, and the written word. I am a photographer, soon to be graphic designer, and sometime a writer/poet. I am also a disciple of Jesus, He makes my creative soul sing aloud. Which by the way I love to sing too!
I started my walk with Jesus at the tender age of sixteen years,  I also discovery a deep love of photography at that time, too. My works often reflects my life and my thoughts. I love showing the beauty of nature in my photographs and the struggles of my life in my poems. My faith has bloomed and wilted over the past years but now thru those trails of my life my faith is stronger and blooming more everyday.
A blessing in my life was that I  traveled and lived in different parts of our country. I enjoy the painted desert of Arizona to New England colorful autumns. I even lived thru a Minnesota winter and now enjoy the southern lifestyle. I know one thing about all this traveling, is that I love the diversity of people and especially the foods of each region.
One thing that have been consist in my journey of life is this, never stop learning. I challenge myself to try a learn something new, I love bible studies and I even went back to school for a second time to study graphic design. Even when I get this degree, I probable find classes that will entice my brains and make it giggle. So I always  reading from  books of fiction to the news online, I hope that I can be aware of the world and the people around with all their struggles and triumphs.
 I like to share in my next post a poem I wrote and the story behind it.
Here a sample of my work.